

Should Yoga be done Barefoot? 6 Major reasons to do Yoga Barefoot

Nowadays among all the yoga practitioners all around the world there is a very big confusion out there that Should Yoga be done Barefoot or not? If you are wondering about it too. Here’s the answer below.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice performed and mastered by countless number of yogis since ancient times. Yoga helps in improving the overall well-being of a person whether it might be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Now if you are a newbie to yoga and finally you decide to practice it from now onwards. Now the first and foremost question arises in one’s mind is that “Should Yoga be done Barefoot” or not?

Well answering to this question, there are numerous ways discovered for performing yoga, but the ancient, the oldest and the most effective way to perform yoga is to perform it barefoot only.

Now, I am not saying this pointlessly, but instead there is a very deep reason and a very deep hidden science behind this claim.

As I am a very hardcore yoga practitioner and a yoga instructor from past 14 years. I can admit on the fact that practicing yoga barefoot gives you vast number of benefits when compared by yoga performing with wearing socks and shoes.

1. The Acupressure point stimulation by performing Yoga Barefoot

The Acupressure point stimulation by performing Yoga Barefoot
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As you all know that our body has numerous amounts of pressure points located on your palms and on the soles of your feet as well.

These acupressure points are a direct link to various internal organs of the body. So, what does that mean and how is it related to doing yoga barefoot?

Well, the answer is, when you perform yoga barefoot, these acupressure points located on the soles of the feet gets activated and energized. Activation of these pressure points in turn results in the activation of the internal organs from which these pressure points located on your sole of the feet are linked to.

The activation of the internal organs of the body results in the proper functioning of the whole system of the body.

Activation of these pressure points are very important as it can cure various internal organ ailments of the body very effectively in no time even without the use of any medication as well in some of the cases.

That’s the reason why most people go to massage and spas for massage therapies and spa therapies.

2. Doing Yoga Barefoot makes you more grounded to the Earth

Doing Yoga Barefoot makes you more grounded to the Earth
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Another important factor, you should do yoga barefoot is the connection of your body that it builds with the earth and the soil. As we all know that we humans are natural beings and our human body is also made up of the five elements of nature i.e. air, water, fire, earth and space.

Doing yoga barefoot helps in connecting you to the earth element that is not only present in your body but also present in nature as well which in turn helps to align your body with the cosmic forces present in the nature.

Another big reason why this connection of our physical body with nature is important because getting in touch with the ground, soil and earth plays a vital role in increasing and strengthening the immune system of the body which helps in fighting with many of the diseases.

Any kind of disease which the human body suffers is basically caused due to the increased amount of free radicals in your body. When ever the quantity of these free radicals gets increased in your body. The immune system of the body weakens and the immunity of the body goes down naturally. This makes you prone to various kinds of bacteria and viruses to enter in your body and make you ill.

The most effective way to fight these free radicals and build ones immunity is the increased amount of antioxidants in the body. When ever the antioxidants in the body increases, these antioxidants reduces the amount of free radicals in the body which makes your immunity strong and you get guarded by the attacks of various kinds of harmful bacteria and viruses which are present around in the environment.

That’s why it is always advised to walk in the nature barefoot also and eat more natural and raw foods because it increases the amount of antioxidants in the body.

Also, the best in this by which you can get the most amount of antioxidants is by getting in touch with the ground and getting in touch with the soil more and more, because being in touch with the soil is the most easiest and the most cost effective way through which you can get ample amount of antioxidants which helps you in boosting your immunity and guards you from getting diseased by various bacteria and viruses.

3. Practicing Yoga Barefoot makes you more stable and balanced

Practicing Yoga Barefoot makes you more stable and balanced
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Doing yoga barefoot is also essential because it helps you to make you more stable and balanced while performing the yoga pose. When we do yoga, and in yoga particularly when we perform an asana it is very essential to be more stable and balanced because when you perform an asana, the center of mass of the body gets shifted in many ways as we twist and turn our bodies to various directions on various levels when we perform a yoga asana.

So, if we do these asanas while wearing socks or shoes, so, firstly we will not be able to stick to the ground or yoga mat as a result we will slip and fall off. And as we will not stick to the ground properly we will not be able to attain the proper form and our goal to attain the best benefits of yoga will not be successful.

4. Practicing Yoga Barefoot Stretches and Strengthens your feet

Practicing Yoga Barefoot Stretches and Strengthens your feet
Image Source- Freepik

While performing yoga it is very essential to stretch our body and feet properly so that every part of the body including our feet become very strong and flexible. Performing yoga barefoot will also surely increase your strength and flexibility.

To stretch our feet properly, it is very essential to be barefoot because only barefoots can stick to the ground properly making a stable and balanced form which in turn stretches and strengthens the whole feet including all the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons of the foot.

5. Practicing Yoga Barefoot signifies as paying respect

Practicing Yoga Barefoot signifies as paying respect
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In many ancient cultures, being barefooted signifies as a sign of giving respect to something. That’s why in many of the popular and ancient cultures we do our sacred rituals and practices barefooted only like going to sacred praying places like temples and mosques etc.

The practice of yoga is also seen as the means to activate your chakras and kundalini and also plays a vital role in building a strong connection with the god and the cosmic forces of the universe.

Also adding to this generally, it is advised to learn and practice yoga under the guidance of an experienced guru or teacher. So, practicing yoga barefooted also symbolizes giving respect to not only the guru but to the ancient and great yogic practice itself also and of course to the five elements of nature, cosmic forces of the universe and to god also.

6. Practicing Yoga Barefoot also helps in maintaining cleanliness

Practicing Yoga Barefoot also helps in maintaining cleanliness
Image Source- Freepik

One more important aspect as to why should yoga be done barefoot is the aspect of cleanliness. It is also advised to practice yoga in a proper hygienic condition as it is a very sacred practice.

Practicing yoga barefoot will also promote cleanliness to the place where ever you are practicing yoga whether in yoga studio, yoga class, park or your home.

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