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Today, as the modern society is advancing day by day, along with the advancements of technology and society, unfortunately our relationships are degrading with every other person day by day. Today, in this article we are going to learn about the Best Couple Yoga Poses for Beginners in 2024 to do with your romantic partner to make your relationship and bond more strong and intact.
In this article, we especially emphasized on how to improve relationships with your romantic partner whether it might be your spouse or girlfriend.
Today, due to spending lack of time with the partner, due to lack of communication between both the partners and due to different types of stresses going on in day to day life. Many couples are going through several types of hardships, differences and clashes with their partner. Instead of having trust between the couples, the amount of toxicity is increasing drastically in relationships. This leads to frequent fights, regular clashes, increase in toxicity between the romantic partners, differences on emotional, mental and physical levels, heartbreaks, cheatings and even divorces.
The lack of understanding between the couples not only creates differences and gaps between the bonds of a relationship but also increases mental and emotional traumas in both the partners resulting in different types of mental diseases as well.

How Practicing Yoga with your romantic partner can strengthen the bond between the romantic couples.
Many couples whether due to lack of time or due to work pressures find it difficult to give time to their partner. When two people who are in a romantic commitment, don’t give time to each other, as a result their relationship bond weakens and gap increases between the two. They find it difficult to share their thoughts, emotions and desires with each other resulting in frequent fights and increasing frustrations with their partner.
Yoga, when practiced with your soulmate fades these gaps and differences and creates eternal trust between you and your partner. But How???
Practicing Couple Yoga builds trust between you and your partner
Firstly, when you practice yoga with your partner, you tend to spend more time with your partner and moreover, yoga, in itself is a practice that helps you to connect soulfully with yourself and your soulmate as well. The different types of holds, lifts and touches that you do with your partner also builds immense amounts of trust and connection between both of you.
Both the partners had to rely on to their partner while practicing couple yoga for balance, support and alignment. This also requires proper communication between both the partners as to how will they properly perform the whole yoga pose to get its fullest benefits without having any injury which also makes the connection between both the partners strong.
Practicing different couple yoga poses needs coordination between both the partners, they had to work as a team, as a single entity to get the best benefits of the yoga poses. The feeling of being there in any situation while performing the yoga pose is immensely deep rooted subconsciously that the respective partner will always be there for you no matter what situation might come in life, which makes the bond between the two simply unbreakable.
Some Couple Yoga Poses for Beginners in 2024
1. Couple Seated Supported Sukhasana

The Couple Seated Supported Sukhasana is the best of the best pose to practice with your partner when you are starting your couple yoga pose practice as a newbie. This pose helps you to connect and align you with your partner on multiple levels, primarily on physical, mental and on fundamental energy level. This pose also helps you to build synchronicity with your partner making it easier for you to perform further yoga poses.
Physically, this pose helps both the partners to relax and calm down their bodies and increase the oxygen levels in the bodies as well. When you sit opposite and pressing your back with your partner’s back this pose also helps to lengthen and straighten your spines too making it more relaxed and mobile as well.
Steps to practice Couple Seated Supported Sukhasana
- Start this pose by sitting in a cross legged position sitting and facing away in the opposite direction from your partner.
- You both should sit in such a way that your backs should touch and support each other’s back.
- Try to gently press your backs against your partner’s back.
- Now, both the partners should breathe in synchronicity with each other, your breaths should become one.
- Place your hands on your knees in the gyaan mudra or join your palms near your chest making a namaskar mudra.
- Hold this Position for few minutes and breathe and try to feel your partner becoming one with you.
2. Couple Baddha Konasana or The Couple Tailor Pose

The Couple Baddha Konasana or The Couple Tailor Pose is a great pose to build trust, connection and communication between the couples. As you perform this pose you lean your whole body on your partner’s back giving your whole body weight on your partner.
This pose also helps in opening up your chest and making your spine and neck more flexible, mobile and strong.
Steps to practice Couple Baddha Konasana or The Couple Tailor Pose
- To perform this pose, you both first have to sit in the cross legged position facing away in the opposite direction from your partner.
- Your back should press against your partner’s back.
- Now, lift your hands gently above your shoulders and stretch your whole spine backwards towards the back of your partner.
- Now, your partner will hold your hands from behind and you will stretch your whole body and start to shift your whole body weight on your partner’s back.
- Your partner will bend forward and give you full support.
- Hold this position for few minutes and breathe.
- Now come back to the normal position and then repeat the whole process from your partner’s side.
- Now you will take your partner’s body weight on you and your partner will stretch.
3. Seated Couple Wide Legged Forward Fold

The Seated Couple Wide Legged Forward Fold is a great pose to perform with your partner, as this pose not only makes your spinal cord and neck more mobile and flexible but it also builds immense soulful connection with your partner.
Practicing this couple yoga pose requires holding joining your foot soles with your partner’s foot soles, holding your partner’s hands and gazing into your partner’s eyes continuously which makes this pose super romantic.
Steps to practice Seated Couple Wide Legged Forward Fold
- Simply sit in front of your partner and looking straight into your partner’s eyes.
- To perform this couple yoga pose both the partner’s will open their legs wide open making a “V” shape from your legs.
- Now join the soles of your feet with your partner’s feet.
- Both will now hold each other’s hands tightly along with gazing straight into each other’s eyes.
- Now bend backwards gently and try to pull your partner towards you.
- Your partner will bend forward trying to reach towards you.
- Hold this position for few minutes and breathe.
- Now reach to the normal position and repeat the whole process from the other side also where your partner will bend backwards and try to pull you, and you will lean forward trying to reach your partner.
4. Couple Seated Twist

The Couple Seated Twist is a pose which helps both the partner’s to increase the level of balance on their bodies. It also makes your waist, spine and neck more mobile and flexible.
Also, adding to this, practicing this pose can also help you both shedding off your love handles or the side fat that gets accumulated on the waist.
Steps to practice Couple Seated Twist
- Sit both the partners in a cross legged position facing away in the opposite direction from each other.
- Put your backs together supporting each other.
- Press your backs against your partner’s back supporting each other.
- Both the partner’s will breathe in at this stage.
- Now as you breathe in, try to hold your right knee with your left hand and your right hand will hold your partner’s left knee by twisting backwards from the opposite direction.
- Your partner will also complete the process but from the opposite direction.
- Hold this position for few moments and then repeat the whole process from the other side also.
5. Couple Boat Pose

The Couple Boat Pose is a great yoga pose to enhance the core strength making your core and gut more strong and healthy. Practicing this couple yoga pose also helps in stretching the hamstrings and legs making them more strong.
The Couple Yoga Boat Pose is also a gem couple yoga pose when it comes to making your body in synchronicity with your partner’s body as there is a lot of gazing, holding hands and joining of palms and soles in this Couple yoga pose too.
Steps to practice The Couple Boat Pose
- Sit in front of your partner facing each other.
- Firmly hold your partner’s hands and try to lift your left leg and your partner will his/her right leg off the ground and after lifting your legs high above your bodies join the soles of your feet with your partner’s feet.
- Try to balance this position and get a firm grip and then lift your remaining leg above your bodies and join the soles of your feet with the sole of your partner’s feet making a double boat like structure.
- Try to engage your core fully.
- Remain in this position for few moments and then come back to the normal position.
- Repeat this pose according to your and your partner’s capacity.
6. Couple Supported Tree Pose

The Couple Supported Tree Pose is a very good couple yoga pose to increase the overall body balance and concentration of the body, and when done with your partner, this couple yoga pose also builds immense trust between you and your partner as you both have to rely on each other for the support to perform this pose properly.
Steps to practice Couple Supported Tree Pose
- Stand straight next to your partner by joining your hips to your partner’s hips sideways.
- Maintain approx. 1 feet distance from your feet to your partner’s feet.
- Now if you are standing to your partner’s right hand side then you will lift your right hand and your partner will lift his/her left hand up in the air above your heads.
- Now try to join the palms of your hands making a namaskar position above your head.
- Now from your remaining outer hands join your hands at your chest levels making another namaskar mudra.
- If you are on the right side of your partner the fold your left leg and tuck it into your groin area.
- Your partner will do the same but, from his/her right leg.
- Try to hold and balance the pose by the supporting each other.
- Remain in this position of few moments and then relax.
7. Couple Balasana and Matsyasana or The Couple Child’s Pose and Fish Pose

This couple yoga pose is a combination of two yoga poses that is the balasana or the child pose and the matsyasana or the fish pose. Matsyasana or the fish pose helps you to open up your chest and lengthen your spine and the balasana or the child pose helps you to improve your gut health making your digestion more strong. Balasana also helps you to relax along with doing the yoga pose simultaneously. This overall couple yoga pose also helps in building trust on your partner.
Steps to practice Couple Balasana and Matsyasana or The Couple Child’s Pose and Fish Pose
- To perform this couple yoga pose perfectly you will sit in the opposite direction to your partner facing away from your partner.
- Both the partner’s will place their backs together supporting each other.
- One of the partner will sit with his/her legs opened straight in front front of him/her.
- And the other partner will sit in the vajrasana or the thunderbolt pose by folding and tucking his/her knees inwards and sitting on their calves.
- Now the partner whose legs are opened will gently bend backward and start to shift their whole weight on their partner’s back.
- The other partner will then lean forward in the balasana pose taking your whole body weight on their back.
- Now totally stretch your whole body and shift your weight on your partner completely until you lift your waist and hip on theirs.
- Remain in this position for some moments and breathe.
- Now come back to the normal position, and then repeat the whole process from the other way round too.
- Now you will perform the balasana and take your partner’s weight and your partner will perform the matsyasana and will shift their whole body weight on you.
8. Couple Supported Backbend

The Couple Supported Backbend is surely one of the simplest couple yoga pose of all but surely one the most effective one. This couple yoga pose helps in making you more in sync with your partner. This pose also requires relying on your partner and also helps in stretching the spine more profoundly.
Steps to practice Couple Supported Backbend
- Start this couple yoga pose by standing in front of your partner facing each other.
- If you have a tight back then you should keep your feet hip-width apart, but if you have a flexible back then you should stand by joining your feet together.
- Stand in such a way that the tips of your feet should touch the tips of your partner’s feet.
- Now hold your partner’s hand firmly and both simultaneously start bending backwards.
- As you bend backwards you should exhale, and as you come forward again you should inhale.
- Repeat this procedure a few times and then relax.
9. Couple Supported Reverse Backbend Balance

The couple supported reverse backbend balance is an excellent couple yoga pose to open up your heart chakra and throat chakra. It will allow your chest to open up and make your upper back more flexible. This Couple Yoga Pose will also help you to increase the level of trust and communication between you and your partner to a very higher degree.
Steps to practice Couple Supported Reverse Backbend Balance
- Start this couple yoga pose by standing facing away from your partner.
- Keep your feet hips-width wide apart and make sure that the back of your heels should touch the back of your partner’s heels.
- Reach out to take hold of your partner’s hands, so that the inner elbow is pointing forward.
- Hold your partner’s hands firmly and keep your grip strong.
- Gently, begin to lean forward, so that both the partners are pulling away from each other to open up the chest and stretch the back as well.
Practicing Couple Yoga Poses can also help in improving your sexual life.
One of the greatest and exciting benefits of practicing couple yoga poses is that it also improves your overall sexual life as well. Nowadays, one of the biggest reasons behind the bitterness and sourness that comes in the relationships of the romantic couples is the degraded quality of sexual life of the couples. This could be due to various reasons such as stress, depression, performance anxiety, lack of physical activity and the reasons could be many more.
As it is correctly said, that the bedroom life is directly proportional to the bond that you have with your partner. But unfortunately nowadays, many relationships get broke or reach on the brink of getting broke only because of this particular problem of not having a fun and fulfilled sex life.
Yoga, firstly helps in strengthening your sexual health which primarily eradicates your sexual related disorders going on in your body such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction by strengthening the muscles of your pelvic area and increasing the blood flow into the pelvic region as in yoga there are many kegel exercise poses also included which also cures your performance anxiety and other bedroom performance related issues.
Yoga also helps in increasing your libido and sex drive which also builds up the sexual tension more between you and your partner and if you both are planning to have a baby then also it will surely help you a lot because many researches also claim that yoga also increases your sperm count and sperm quality and the uterus elasticity and flexibility which will in turn help you in having an easy pregnancy.
Moreover, practicing couple yoga poses also gives you a strong drive to get close to your partner frequently as due to your increased sexual confidence and high libido.
Practicing Couple Yoga also gives you more time together
Well, due to multiple struggles going on in life, sometimes it becomes difficult for couples to spend time together, as a result your emotions and feelings towards your partner gets clogged in you only and you become more unexpressive, the playfulness and the fun between the couple decreases.
When you practice couple yoga you tend to spend more time with your partner which bridges the gaps that have been created and it also revives the trust, you become more expressive towards your partner and the playfulness also increases between both of you.
Practicing Couple Yoga helps in understanding each other better
Another important benefit that you get by practicing yoga with your partner is that you tend to start understand your partner more profoundly as to perform the yoga poses you have to communicate with your partner about how to perform the yoga pose properly so that you get all the proper benefits of it along with avoiding the chances of any injuries.
Binds the auric energy due to the Battery Effect
Now there is an interesting thing called “The Battery Effect”, which primarily deals with the energy fields of the person and the auric part. When you perform certain couple yoga poses with your partner, you get in the alignment of the cosmic and universal divine masculine and divine feminine nature of yourself. When you perform certain couple yoga poses you, along with your romantic partner it completes the divine masculine and feminine nature circuit with your bodies when done correctly along with the proper breathwork can ultimately bind your auric field with your partner’s auric field. This can make your physical, mental and emotional bond insanely strong as if you have tied your soul knots with your partner for lifetimes.
Renews your relationship as you try something new with your partner
Last but not the least, practicing couple yoga poses with your partner also helps in renewing your relationship as you have found a new tool in the sake of yoga to try and explore new things with your partner allowing you to reignite the spark that has been faded along with the time.